UNITY, EDUCATION, INTEGRITY, CHARITY. The Contractors RoundTable began as a local Long Island, N.Y. professional networking and advocacy group on Facebook. The platform offered Contractors RoundTable the opportunity to give local industry a virtual meeting place so more relationships could be established. Information and services could now be shared in a much more efficient manner since it's accessible 24/7/ 365. Instead of having access to a few contractors, from many trades, now there is uncluttered access to many, many contractors from every trade and every support or specialty mechanism in one place.
Unity: We compete in the streets but " AT THE TABLE" you are family first, a pro second, you are in a semi-formal meeting, following, helping, learning or teaching. We share common challenges and members are encouraged but never required to help each other navigate the day to day demands of running a business. Connecting contractors with resources, trading information, tracking down or exchanging raw or excess materials, selling or buying equipment, vehicles, tools, materials, experiences, logistics and local knowledge, the list is endless.
The table hosts hundreds of thousands of years of experience (age poke), reaching out to the contractors who might benefit from some general business acumen will help avoid traditional mistakes. Raising the industry profile and building trust within the community is at the core of our mission.